A rapier melee is any fight that has more than two fighters. This can be as simple as a two on one melee up to melees with over 100 fighters per side such as those that happen at Pennsic. While the fundamentals of single combat are important in a melee, there are a number of melee skills that are also very important to learn to be a successful melee fighter.
Before participating in a melee for the first time, fighters should make sure they are familiar with the additional rules that cover melees. Keep in mind that some things are legal in some areas, but not legal in others – when in doubt, ask a marshal or experienced fighter any questions. The purpose of this article is not to discuss the rules of melee or what is legal (or not legal), but to provide a new fencer a basic overview of SCA rapier combat.
Field Types
A field is the location where a melee takes place. Fields can be as simple as an open area or a more complicated setup such as a town battle, with hay bales set up to represent buildings.
Open Field – A simple field with nothing on it. This is the most common type of field for SCA rapier combat due to it’s simplicity. The edges may have hay bales or something similar to mark them, they may not. When there is no marking for the edge, be careful as there may be spectators there.
Broken Field – One step up in complexity from a open field is a broken field. The broken field typically has some kind of obstruction that fighters need to go around rather than over. Again, the obstructions are usually made of hay bales, but may also be a sheet wall or other marker. Be careful not to back onto and trip over whatever is being used to break up the field, and warn other fighters if they are about to trip
Town – A town battle is set up using hay bales or sheet walls to recreate a town. The town usually varies in size in complexity depending on the number of fighters, and the time/help available to set it up. One thing to remember when fighting in a town battle, especially when hay bales are used to form the buildings is that shots can not be thrown over the walls. This is more important near the doorways for the people on the corners.
Bridge – A bridge is a limited front field type consisting of one or more bridges of varying width.
Castle/Gate – Castle and gate battles are similar to each other and usually involve one side trying to get through a gate with the other defending. Castles may have more than one gate to defend, especially in larger battles. While castles are usually made out of hay bales, some of the larger war sites such as Pennsic and Gulf Wars have wooden castles to fight in.
Woods – A melee that takes place in some woods. Woods battle sites vary greatly and the density of the woods as well as paths and other potential hazards will likely be completely different from site to site. When fighting in a woods battle, keep a watch for poison ivy, fallen branches, and holes in the ground.
Good beginning. At the end of the article, maybe add a "In part 2, XXXXX!" to whet the appetite.
ReplyDeleteThanks - I'll be adding that on to the next installment (which will be on roles in combat)